Big Brother | Charigo Part 41 | Channel 4

2009-09-30 2

Day 76

Rodrigo talks about being labelled as bisexual. Siavash talks sense for once.
Wrestling task – the boys are in speedos !!!!!
Talk of leaving, chihuahuas and nominations, just for a change
Charlie and Rodrigo perform the age-old mating ritual of sharing a Haribo
Charlie gets Sophie to steal Marcus’ cans
Charlie is really cute as he desperately looks for something interesting in the bottom of his can of cider
Rodrigo definitely wasn’t in a mood with Charlie yesterday – at least Charlie can stop being not bothered now eh?
Charlie suggests Rod and Sophie move to Sree’s and Bea’s beds. Check out that look! – what could he have been thinking about there then?

Written By: Smitlaz